You can think of a home energy audit as your home’s energy efficiency check-up. We use diagnostic tools like a blower door test, manometer (a pressure-measuring gauge), smoke sticks, and thermal imaging cameras to see where your home’s energy efficiency could be...
Several months into the COVID-19 pandemic, we purchased a retired shuttle bus from a government auction. We wanted a way to travel while still following the CDC guidelines on safe social distancing. Before deciding on the eleven-passenger shuttle bus, we...
It’s that time of year again. Cold nights and cooler temps during the day. New River Valley area residents are remembering the arctic freeze that took place last winter and thinking about preparations needed to prepare for the winter to come. Yes, this is our...
Our company is currently building an anaerobic digester at Shalom Farms to provide fertilizer and methane gas for greenhouse heating. Volunteering our time to help non-profit organizations is a must- being that the spread of renewable energy knowledge is of...
As seen from this graph, prices for electricity have risen drastically in recent years. The last couple of years have been particularly hard on the pockets of the middle and lower classes in the United States. Most of us in Virginia rely on electricity for supplying...