We had a lot of rain this past summer and we’re seeing a lot of crawlspaces that are still wet. And this is the time of year when the dryer wintertime air should have absorbed the excess moisture from the torrential rain we experienced over the summer. So if you...
In Part 2, we discussed how to measure hot water consumption and hot water energy use in a mid-sized hotel. We looked at what the data meant regarding the energy saving potential of a solar thermal water heating system. This particular hotel uses about...
In Part 1 of the Hotel Solar Thermal Study series, we looked at the main impetuses for the study: rising fossil fuel prices and a lack of hotel hot water consumption data. Part 2 focuses on the study’s methodology. How does one go about measuring hot water...
Recently, I have been conducting research on optimizing solar thermal water heating systems for hotels. Hotels are among the best sites for solar domestic hot water (SDHW) systems because of their large and constant hot water load (a third of the energy used in...